Indoor Mask Mandate - Effective October 27, 2021

Indoor Mask Mandate - Effective October 27, 2021

Gov. John Bel Edwards lifted Louisiana’s statewide mask mandate in all settings, except for schools and school buses — including teachers, staff and students in K-12 schools, universities, and other higher education institutions.

In addition, there are certain settings where individuals must continue to wear masks, including:

  • Healthcare settings — hospitals, long-term care facilities, and doctors’ offices
  • Communal and public transportation - planes, trains, buses, etc., and within airports and stations
  • Correctional facilities — staff and inmates/detainees/offenders when applicable
  • Homeless shelters
  • As required by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, rules and regulations
  • As required by private businesses and workplaces which mandate them

Outdoor Guidance

Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in outdoor activities — large or small — without wearing a mask but are encouraged to physically distance from others.

People with conditions or medications that weaken the immune system should consult with their healthcare providers to decide if they should continue taking all precautions, including masking.

People who wish to further reduce risk may choose to continue wearing a mask, especially those in communities with lower vaccination rates and higher rates of disease.