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What to Expect After Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Written by Lane Regional Medical Center | Aug 9, 2023 12:30:00 PM

Often referred to as sleeve gastrectomy, the life-altering technique known as gastric sleeve surgery assists obese people in losing a large amount of weight and improving their general health. The decision to have this surgery is a crucial step, but it's equally critical to know what to expect after the operation. Let’s take a closer look at the gastric sleeve post-operative experience, including the healing process, lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and potential advantages of gastric sleeve surgery.

Recovery Period After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

You will spend a few days in the hospital right after the procedure to recover, under the care of your surgeon. The initial healing phase often lasts between one and three days. You might feel tired, uncomfortable, and hurt where the incisions are at this time. To ensure your comfort, your surgical team will administer the proper pain medication.

After being released from the hospital, you should take it easy and gradually get back to your regular routine. Individual recovery times vary, but most people can anticipate returning to work and light activities after 1 to 3 weeks.

Lifestyle Changes After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Adopting a new, healthier way of living after gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most important parts of post-surgery. Although the procedure serves as a tool to help people lose weight, lasting success requires making significant lifestyle adjustments.

The first is making dietary changes and improvements. You will start out on a liquid diet, working your way up to soft foods, and then gradually solid foods again. Your healthcare provider will provide guidance on portion control, nutrient consumption, and meal planning as you progress through the diet phases.

The next key change will be physical activity. Maintaining weight loss and enhancing your general well-being requires regular exercise. Your surgeon, dietician, and recommended fitness program will be specific to your needs and any physical limitations.

Lastly, building a reliable support network is essential for your success. You can handle the mental difficulties and keep motivated throughout your weight loss journey by joining support groups or going to counseling.

Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery Dietary Modifications

The size of your stomach will be drastically reduced after gastric sleeve surgery, which will affect your ability to eat. As a result, lesser quantities will make you feel satisfied, and it's crucial to maximize the nutritional value of every meal. Nutrient-dense foods like lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will be the mainstays of your diet.

Additionally, you must stay away from foods that are heavy in calories and sugar, and alcohol use may need to be restricted or avoided entirely.

To find out if you are a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery, speak with knowledgeable medical specialists before making a decision. A commitment to adopting a better lifestyle should be made in conjunction with a well-informed choice to get the procedure. The gastric sleeve procedure can be an effective tool to assist you in becoming a happier and healthier version of yourself if you are committed to using it. The experts at Lane Surgery Group are here to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.